【Higashi Nakano】Vegan & Raw Plate at Waha

【Higashi Nakano】Vegan & Raw Plate at Waha

東中野駅 A3出口 徒歩10分

落合駅 1番出口 徒歩12分

中野駅 北口 徒歩14分

Higashi Nakano St. Exit A3 10-min

Ochiai St. Exit No.1 12-min

Nakano St. North Exit 14-min


Available only on Tuesdays and Saturdays, during which the menus are almost always hand-written. A lot of options are available as well – ¥300 for drink sets, ¥100 for onigiri, ¥80 for papad.


Raw foods prepared under 48℃ of heating, if any. Cater to allergens and stuffs upon prior requests. 

ヴィーガン&ロープレート Vegan & Raw Plate ¥1,320+¥100 onigiri


As mentioned in the menu it came like a mountain. Of low calories ingredients of course, so totally guilt free! Note the hijiki especially!


Such snacks and desserts as bavarois are also available for sale.

どの駅からもちょっと遠いです。検索は「ひと いきカフェ エカイエ」で。

A quite walk from any nearest stations. Search the location by the name “cafe écailler”.

ワーハ@ひと いきカフェ エカイエ

Waha @ cafe écailler

URL: https://www.instagram.com/waha.38/


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