【チェーン】ピザハットでカスタムピザ 【Chain Store】Customized pizza at Pizza Hut

【Chain Store】Customized pizza at Pizza Hut


■About 400 stores nationwide

公式サイト画像 Image from official website




Limited time offer from 2021/04/01 till 2021/03/31 pizza “Veggie pizza w/ lotsa green & yellow ingredients”. It came by default with cheese, of which can be rid using the “Minus topping” option available either at the counter or on web.

And, if you do take-out instead of delivery, you get a 50% discount which translates to ¥1,188 for an M-size. Yes no discount for the lost cheese, you cheapskate.

チーズ抜き緑黄色ベジピザ Green & Yellow Veggie Pizza (w/o cheese) ¥1,188


First you can smell the garlic through the box. Secondly, it has such healthy amount of oil that you can dispose of the used box after finished eating, as recyclable. Third, the vegetables did not taste too much like frozen do. Finally, the tomato sauce tastes like how normal fast food would. In general, it tasted great and worth second tries on different crusts (other than cheese crust and sausage crust).


Information on allergens is available on the official website (English).


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