【銀座一丁目】グランイート銀座 【Ginza 1 Chome】Gran Eat Ginza

【Ginza 1 Chome】Gran Eat Ginza

銀座一丁目駅 2番出口 徒歩1分

銀座駅 C9出口 徒歩3分

有楽町駅 中央口 徒歩4分

Ginza 1 Chome St Exit No,2 1-min

Ginza St Exit C9 3-min

Yurakucho Central Exit 4-min


Located at the northern end of the 2nd floor of Ginza Inz 2, though not a full vegan place, it is one of the few vegan-friendly buffet joint in Tokyo.

サラダバー Salad Bar
トッピングで味変 Various toppings


Other than the regular fresh vegetables, there was also this one rare bowl of minced soy meat. Plus, you can trim them with 6 different toppings such as cacao shreds, chia seeds, and 3 different dressings. This would be the main course for vegans.


There wasn’t many vegan dishes other than the salad bar. But for every vegan dish, it was clearly labeled with a “V”.


One could go for about 3 rounds for exclusively vegan dishes.


Order your fresh-out-of-the-fryer tempuras at the counter.

ナッツ Nuts
フルーツ Fruits


Refresh with nuts and fruits.


About 70 seats, including some counter seats lining the windows. 

GAP認証の食材が使われています。GAPとはGood Agricultural Practice, 「よい農業のやり方」だそうです。オーガーニックの強化版かな?

GAP-certified foodstuffs used. GAP stands for “Good Agricultural Practice”. Kind of like Organic on steroid.


Gran Eat Ginza

URL: https://www.gran-eat.jp/


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