【渋谷】自家製麺 Menshoのヴィーガン担々麺
【Shibuya】Vegan Tantan Noodle at Mensho Tokyo

【渋谷】自家製麺 Menshoのヴィーガン担々麺<br>
【Shibuya】Vegan Tantan Noodle at Mensho Tokyo

渋谷駅 A3a口 徒歩6分

Shibuya St. Exit A3a 6-min


The vegan tantan noodle comes in 2 types – with or without soup.

ヴィーガン担々麵 Vegan Tantan Noodle ¥1,050


First, the one with soup. Looked delicious already.

ヴィーガン担々麵 Vegan Tantan Noodle ¥1,050


Noodle was as chewy and springy as the regular ramen – in a good sense. The soup was filled with aroma from the sesame and peanuts, delicious and with depth. And with those, the soy meat was pretty much redundant.

ヴィーガン汁なし担々麺 Vegan Dry Tantan ¥950


Next, the without soup version. It wore the same toppings but in comparison this somehow looked more mouth watering. It had some liquid though.

ヴィーガン汁なし担々麺 Vegan Dry Tantan ¥950


The noodle used in this is called futo-chijire noodle (futo(i) meaning thick and chijire meaning wrinkled, curved) wrinkled so that the noodle can hook up larger amount of soup (think of the ridges in penne). This is not simply made from the soup version by just ridding of the soup, but a rather different dish. Though both tasted great, I personally prefer this soupless version, if I were only permitted one, which I were not.


Feel free the change the flavor with some japanese pepper half way through.


It employed a thorough self-service system, from ordering, serving (carrying from the service counter), returning, to paying. English is on from the ordering tablet available at each seat.


Mostly counter seats, but some table seats are available as well.


Look for it on the B1F of Parco. The floor itself is a restaurant floor called Chaos Kitchen. Also nearby is an exclusively vegan izakaya called Vegan Izakaya Masaka.

自家製麺 Mensho

Jikasei Mensho

URL: https://menya-shono.com/parco/


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